The Degree in Occupational Safety and Environment aims to develop skills suited to the profile of a Senior Occupational Safety Technician with strong environmental skills.
The competitive advantage of this degree is to guarantee the practical study of the various disciplines of Occupational Safety – safety at work, safety in the chemical industry, machinery safety, fire safety, construction safety, management of occupational safety and health, risk assessment and control, prevention management and emergency planning -, integrating them with the Environment areas, given their complementarity and strong interconnection, as well as the demands of the labor market for senior technicians with skills in these areas .
Consult reports
1º Year | ||
Curricular unit | Period | ECTS |
Calculus I | 1st Semester | 6.0 |
Technical Drawing | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Physics | 1st Semester | 6.0 |
Fundamentals of Chemistry | 1st Semester | 6.0 |
Organizational Management | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Communication and Learning Methodologies | 1st Semester | 3.0 |
Anatomophysiology and Toxicology | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
Calculus II | 2st Semester | 6.0 |
Electricity | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
Applied Statistics | 2st Semester | 6.0 |
Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Hygiene | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Labour Psychosociology | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
2º Year | ||
Curricular unit | Period | ECTS |
Environment I | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Ergonomics | 1st Semester | 6.0 |
Occupational Hygiene I | 1st Semester | 6.0 |
Standards and Law for Safety and Health at Work | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Safety with Hazardous Chemical Agents | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Safety at Work | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Environment II | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Occupational Hygiene II | 2st Semester | 6.0 |
Industrial Materials and Technologies | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Safety Against Fire | 2st Semester | 6.0 |
Equipments and Machines Safety | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
Information and Comunication Techniques | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
3º Year | ||
Curricular unit | Period | ECTS |
Assessment and Control of Risks | 1st Semester | 7.0 |
Prevention Management and Emergency Planning | 1st Semester | 7.0 |
Occupational Health and First Aid | 1st Semester | 6.0 |
Safety in Construction | 1st Semester | 6.0 |
Quality Management System | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Training Design and Management | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Ethics and Deontology | 2st Semester | 2.0 |
Final Project | 2st Semester | 16.0 |
Environmental Management System | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Safety and Health Management Systems | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
- Senior Occupational Safety Technician
- Workplace Safety and Environment Trainer
- Auditor of Occupational Health and Safety and Environment Services
- Designer of Fire Safety Systems
- Risk analysis and assessment
- Issuance of opinions on Safety and Hygiene at Work and Environment situations
- Workplace and Environmental Safety Consultant
- Coordinator / Director of Health and Safety Services for Work and Environment in public or private entities.
Entrance Examinations: (02) Biology and Geology or (09) Geography or (17) Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences. Expected Vacancies: 20 Vacancies Minimum Ratings Required: Application Grade: 95 points; Entrance exams: 95 points. How to Calculate Candidacy Grade: Secondary school average: 65%; Entrance exams: 35%. Regional preference: 50% of vacancies. Area of influence: Aveiro, Braga, Bragança, Porto, Viana do Castelo, Vila Real. Qualification preference: 20% of vacancies.
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