Entrada > Notícias > “A oportunidade da IoT (ou IIoT)” | Seminário de Projeto do MEI

“A oportunidade da IoT (ou IIoT)” | Seminário de Projeto do MEI



09 > 09.11.2017 · 18:30 > 20:30


ESTG | Sala 0.3

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+351 255 314 002

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O Mestrado em Engenharia Informática proporciona à comunidade ESTG a possibilidade de participarem nas aulas da unidade curricular de Seminário de Projeto.

Nesta unidade curricular os estudantes têm a possibilidade de contactar com organizações e personalidades com atividade relevante em áreas avançadas da Engenharia Informática e de conhecer o que é realizado ao nível da Inovação e da Investigação com o intuito de os treinar para a identificação e desenvolvimento das temáticas a abordar nos seus trabalhos finais de mestrado.

A primeira aula decorre já amanhã dia 9 de novembro das 18h30 às 20h30 com a presença de Nelson Pinho com a apresentação: “A oportunidade da IoT (ou IIoT)”



Nelson Pinho

“Nelson is the Public Safety and National Security Industry Lead at Microsoft. In this role, Nelson has the responsibility of Driving Microsoft´s strategy on the digital transformation of the PSNS sector. He also establishes straight collaborations with some of the main Portuguese and International Universities and Research Centers.

Since 2001, Nelson has been working in the Information Technology Sector. He was member of the Executive Committee at Compta, S.A. and in 2012 founded Kentra Technologies, a software vendor in the Healthcare sector. Nelson collaborated with the Portuguese Ministry of Health between 2008 and 2012, and is member of the Health Parliament Portugal since 2016.

He was graduate teaching assistant at FEUP (School of Engineering of the University of Porto), in the areas of Service Design, Business Process Modeling and Information Systems. Nelson holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management, a Master in Service Management and Engineering, and a degree in Computer Science from the University of Porto. His current research focuses on new multidisciplinary methods for designing services for complex value networks.

Nelson currently teaches in Porto Polytechnic Institute (School of Technology and Management) in the areas of Software Engineering and Management.


Areas of Interest:

Service Design / Business Strategy / Digital Transformation / SaaS / New Business Development / IoT / EDGE / Artificial Intelligence / Cybersecurity” 








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